Olympic marmot

Marmota olympus

Distribution. Alpine areas of Olympic Peninsula, Washington State, USA.


Olympic marmots are endemic to Olympic National Park and surrounding national forest areas. They are active about four and a half months each year. Typically two or three adult females and their young live with a single breeding male. Adult females are reported to breed in alternate years. Litter sizes average about four, and about half the pups survive their first year. Young take at least 3 years to mature and disperse. Like their close relative, the hoary marmot, Olympic marmots produce four types of alarm calls. They have calls that end at a higher frequency than they start--ascending calls, calls that end at a lower frequency than they start--descending calls, flat calls, and trills. You may also read a more detailed summary of olympic marmot alarm calling. Olympic marmots are incredibly easy to observe on and around Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park.


Photo: (C) Copyright Jennifer Yu, 1995, all rights reserved. This photo may not be copied for commercial use without the express written permission of Jennifer Yu (yuie@cco.caltech.edu).

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