Dan Blumstein's working bibliography on marmots

(17 April 1998)

Allainé, D., I. Rodrigue, M. Le Berre, and R. Ramousse. 1994. Habitat preferences of alpine marmots, Marmota marmota.  Can. J. Zool. 72:2193-2198.

Andersen, D.C., K.B. Armitage, and R.S. Hoffmann. 1976. Socioecology of marmots:  female reproductive strategies.  Ecology 57:552-560.

Andersen, D.C., R.S. Hoffmann, and K.B. Armitage. 1979. Aboveground productivity and floristic structure of a high subalpine herbaceous meadow.  Arctic and Alpine Rsch. 11:467-476.

Andersen, D.C., and D.W. Johns. 1977. Predation by badger on yellow-bellied marmot in Colorado.  Southwest. Nat. 22:283-284.

Anderson, E. 1984. Review of the small carnivores of North America during the last 3.5 million years. 257-266 in H. H. Genoways and M. R. Dawson, eds. Contributions in Quaternary vertebrate paleontology: a volume in memorial to John E. Guilday. Spec. Publ. Carnegie Mus. of Nat. Hist., Pittsburgh.

Anthony, M. 1962. Activity and behavior of the woodchuck in Southern Illinois.  Occ. Pap. C.C. Adams Center for Ecol. Studies 6:1-25.

Armitage, K.B. 1962. Social behaviour of a colony of the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris).  Anim. Behav. 10:319-331.

Armitage, K.B. 1965. Vernal behaviour of the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris).  Anim. Behav. 13:59-68.

Armitage, K.B. 1973. Population changes and social behavior following colonization by the yellow-bellied marmot.  J. Mamm. 54:842-854.

Armitage, K.B. 1974. Male behaviour and territoriality in the yellow-bellied marmot.  J. Zool., London 172:233-265.

Armitage, K.B. 1975. Social behavior and population dynamics of marmots.  Oikos 26:341-354.

Armitage, K.B. 1976. Scent marking by yellow-bellied marmots.  J. Mamm. 57:583-584.

Armitage, K.B. 1977. Social variety in the yellow-bellied marmot: a population-behavioural system.  Anim. Behav. 25:585-593.

Armitage, K.B. 1979. Food selectivity by yellow-bellied marmots.  J. Mamm. 60:628-629.

Armitage, K.B. 1981. Sociality as a life-history tactic of ground squirrels.  Oecologia 48:36-49.

Armitage, K.B. 1982a. Marmots and coyotes:  behavior of prey and predator.  J. Mamm. 63:503-505.

Armitage, K.B. 1982b. Marmots and coyotes: behavior of prey and predator.  J. Mamm.  63:503-505.

Armitage, K.B. 1982c. Social dynamics of juvenile marmots: role of kinship and individual variability.  Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 11:33-36.

Armitage, K.B. 1982d. Yellow-bellied marmot. 148-149 in D. E. Davis, eds. CRC handbook of census methods for terrestrial vertebrates. CRC Press, Inc.,  Boca Raton, Florida.

Armitage, K.B. 1983. Hematological values for free-ranging yellow-bellied marmots.  Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 74A:89-93.

Armitage, K.B. 1984. Recruitment in yellow-bellied marmot populations:  kinship, philopatry, and individual variability. 377-403 in J. O. Murie and G. R. Michener, eds. The biology of ground-dwelling squirrels. Univ. Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

Armitage, K.B. 1986a. Individuality, social behavior, and reproductive success in yellow-bellied marmots.  Ecology 67:1186-1193.

Armitage, K.B. 1986b. Marmot polygyny revisited: determinants of male and female reproductive strategies. 303-331 in D. I. Rubenstein and R. W. Wrangham, eds. Ecological aspects of social evolution. Princeton University Press, Princeton.

Armitage, K.B. 1987. Do female yellow-bellied marmots adjust the sex ratios of their offspring?  Amer. Nat. 129:501-519.

Armitage, K.B. 1989. The function of kin discrimination.  Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 1:111-121.

Armitage, K.B. 1991. Social and population dynamics of yellow-bellied marmots: results from long-term research.  Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 22:379-407.

Armitage, K.B. 1992. Social organization and fitness strategies of marmots. 89-94 in B. Bassano, P. Durio, U. Gallo Orsi and E. Macchi, eds. Proceedings of 1st international symposium on alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) and on genus Marmota. Dipartmento di Produzioni Animali, Epidemiologia ed Ecologia, Torino, Italy.

Armitage, K.B. 1996a. Resource sharing and kinship in yellow-bellied marmots. 129-134 in M. Le Berre, R. Ramousse and L. Le Guelte, eds. Biodiversity in marmots. International Network on Marmots, Moscow-Lyon.

Armitage, K.B. 1996b. Seasonal mass gain in yellow-bellied marmots. 223-230 in M. Le Berre, R. Ramousse and L. Le Guelte, eds. Biodiversity in marmots. International Network on Marmots, Moscow-Lyon.

Armitage, K.B. 1996c. Social dynamics, kinship, and population dynamics of marmots. 113-128 in M. Le Berre, R. Ramousse and L. Le Guelte, eds. Biodiversity in marmots. International Marmot Network, Moscow-Lyon.

Armitage, K.B., and D.T. Blumstein. In Press-1998. Body-mass diversity in marmots. in V. Y. Rumiantsev, A. A. Nikolskii and O. V. Brandler, eds. Holarctic Marmots as a Factor of Biodiversity. International Marmot Network, Moscow.

Armitage, K.B., and M.C. Corona. 1994. Time and wariness in yellow-bellied marmots.  Ibex Journ. Mount. Ecol. 2:1-8.

Armitage, K.B., and J.F. Downhower. 1970. Interment behavior in the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris).  J. Mamm. 51:177-178.

Armitage, K.B., and J.F. Downhower. 1974. Demography of yellow-bellied marmot populations.  Ecology 55:1233-1245.

Armitage, K.B., J.F. Downhower, and G.E. Svendsen. 1976. Seasonal changes in weights of marmots.  Amer. Midl. Nat. 96:36-51.

Armitage, K.B., and G.E. Gurri-Glass. 1994. Communal nesting in yellow-bellied marmots. 14-26 in V. Y. Rumiantsev, eds. Actual problems of marmots investigation. ABF, Moscow.

Armitage, K.B., D. Johns, and D.C. Andersen. 1979. Cannibalism among yellow-bellied marmots.  J. Mammal. 60:205-207.

Armitage, K.B., and D.W. Johns. 1982. Kinship, reproductive strategies and social dynamics of yellow-bellied marmots.  Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 11:55-63.

Armitage, K.B., J.C. Melcher, and J.M. Ward, Jr. 1990. Oxygen consumption and body temperature in yellow-bellied marmot populations from montane-mesic and lowland-xeric environments.  J. Comp. Physiol. B. 160:491-502.

Armitage, K.B., and C.M. Salsbury. 1992. Factors affecting oxygen consumption in wild-caught yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris).  Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 103A:729-737.

Armitage, K.B., and C.M. Salsbury. 1993. The effect of molt on oxygen consumption of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris).  Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 106A:667-670.

Armitage, K.B., C.M. Salsbury, E.L. Barthelmess, R.C. Gray, and A. Kovach. 1996. Population time budget for the yellow-bellied marmot.  Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 8:67-95.

Arnold, W. 1986. Sozioökologie des alpenmurmeltieres. Dissertation. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

Arnold, W. 1988. Social thermoregulation during hibernation in alpine marmots (Marmota marmota).  J. Comp. Physiol. B. 158:151-156.

Arnold, W. 1990a. The evolution of marmot sociality: I. Why disperse late?  Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 27:229-237.

Arnold, W. 1990b. The evolution of marmot sociality: II. Costs and benefits of joint hibernation.  Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 27:239-246.

Arnold, W. 1993a. Energetics of social hibernation. 65-80 in C. Carey, G. L. Florant, B. A. Wunder and B. Horwitz, eds. Life in the cold:  ecological, physiological, and molecular mechanisms. Westview Press, Boulder.

Arnold, W. 1993b. Social evolution in marmots and the adaptive value of joint hibernation.  Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 86:79-93.

Arnold, W., and J. Dittami. 1997. Reproductive suppression in male alpine marmots.  Anim. Behav. 53:53-66.

Arnold, W., G. Heldmaier, S. Ortmann, H. Pohl, T. Ruf, and S. Steinlechner. 1991. Ambient temperatures in hibernacula and their energetic consequences for alpine marmots (Marmota marmota).  J. Therm. Biol. 16:223-226.

Arnold, W., M. Klinkicht, K. Rassmann, and D. Tautz. 1994. Molecular analysis of the mating system of alpine marmots (Marmota marmota).  Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 86:27.

Arnold, W., and A.V. Lichenstein. 1993. Ectoparasite loads decrease the fitness of alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) but are not a cost of sociality.  Behav. Ecol. 4:36-39.

Bailey, E.D. 1965a. The influence of social interaction and season on weight change in woodchucks.  J. Mammal. 46:438-445.

Bailey, E.D. 1965b. Seasonal changes in metabolick activity of non-hibernating woodchucks.  Can. J. Zool. 43:905-909.

Bailey, E.D., and D.E. Davis. 1965. The utilization of body fat during hibernation in woodchucks.  Can. J. Zool. 43:701-707.

Baldwin, B.H., B.C. Tennant, T.J. Reimers, R.G. Cowan, and P.W. Concannon. 1985. Circannual changes in serum testosterone concentrations of adult and yearling woodchucks (Marmota monax).  Biol. Reproduc. 32:804-812.

Barash, D.P. 1973a. Habitat utilization in three species of subalpine mammals.  J. Mammal. 54:247-250.

Barash, D.P. 1973b. Latitudinal replacement in habitat utilization of mountain mammals.  J. Mammal. 54:535-536.

Barash, D.P. 1973c. The social biology of the Olympic marmot.  Anim. Behav. Mongr. 6:173-245.

Barash, D.P. 1973d. Social variety in the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris).  Anim. Behav. 21:579-584.

Barash, D.P. 1974a. The evolution of marmot societies:  a general theory.  Science 185:415-420.

Barash, D.P. 1974b. Mother-infant relations in captive woodchucks (Marmota monax).  Anim. Behav. 22:446-448.

Barash, D.P. 1974c. The social behavior of the hoary marmot (Marmota caligata).  Anim. Behav. 22:256-261.

Barash, D.P. 1975a. The ecology of paternal behavior in the hoary marmot (Marmota caligata): an evolutionary interpretation.  J. Mammal. 56:613-618.

Barash, D.P. 1975b. Marmot alarm-calling and the question of altruistic behavior.  Amer. Midl. Natur. 94:468-470.

Barash, D.P. 1976a. Pre-hibernation behavior of free-living hoary marmots, Marmota caligata.  J. Mamm. 57:182-185.

Barash, D.P. 1976b. Social behaviour and individual differences in free-living alpine marmots (Marmota marmota).  Anim. Behav. 24:27-35.

Barash, D.P. 1980. The influence of reproductive status on foraging by hoary marmots (Marmota caligata).  Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 7:201-205.

Barash, D.P. 1981. Mate guarding and gallivanting by hoary marmots (Marmota caligata).  Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 9:187-193.

Barash, D.P. 1989. Marmots: social behavior and ecology.  Stanford University Press, Stanford.

Barkalow, F.S. 1956. Extension of the known range of Marmota monax in Alaska.  J. Mamm. 37:291.

Bassano, B., P. Durio, C. Facello, e. Macchi, R. Piazza, and C. Trinchero. 199x. Preliminary analysis of the temporale and spectoral acoustic parameters of Marmota marmota sound emissions. eds.

Batbold, J. 1996. A study in to the population ecology and genetic structure of Mongolian marmot and its relationship to problems of plague.  Thesis

Batbold, J., and J. Batsuuri. 1995. Genetic structure of Mongolian marmot populations.  Sci. J. Nat. Univ. Mongolia 1(115):75-108.

Bel, M.-C., C. Porteret, and J. Coulon. 1995. Scent deposition by cheek rubbing in the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) in the French Alps.  Can. J. Zool. 73:2065-2071.

Belsky, J., and R. Del Moral. 1982. Ecology of an alpine-subalpine meadow complex in the Olympic moutains, Washington.  Can. J. Bot. 60:779-788.

Beltz, A., and E.S. booth. 1952. Notes on the burrowing and food habits of the Olympic marmot.  J. Mammal. 33:495-496.

Berendyaev, S.A., and N.A. Kul'kova. 1965. On intraspecies relations of grey marmots.  Zool. Zh. 44:110-116.

Bibikov, D.I. 1989. Marmots.  Agropromisdat, Moscow.

Bibikov, D.I. 1991. The steppe marmot--its past and future.  Oryx 25:45-49.

Bibikov, D.I. 1996. On the size of the marmots (Marmota), their annual cycle and adaptations to "short summers". 141-148 in M. Le Berre, R. Ramousse and L. Le Guelte, eds. Biodiversity in marmots. International Marmot Network, Moscow-Lyon.

Bibikov, D.I., and S.A. Berendaev. 1978. The Altai marmot. 39-78 in R. P. Zimina, eds. Marmots:  their distribution and ecology. Nauka, Moscow.

Bibikov, D.I., D. Myagmarzhav, S.B. Pole, and Y.M. Smirin. 1990. Marmota bobac caliginosus of Khangai: distribution, resources, ecology.  Zool. Zhur. 69:100-107.

Bibikov, D.I., S.B. Pole, Y.M. Smirin, and D. Myagmarzhav. 1987. Distribution and resources of marmots in Mongolian Altai.  Zool. Zh. 66:1375-1388.

Bibikow, D.I. 1968. Die murmeltiere.  A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg.

Bibikow, D.I. 1996. Die murmeltiere der welt.  Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei Bd. 388. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg.

Black, C.C. 1972. Holarctic evolution and dispersal of squirrels (Rodentia: Sciuridae).  Evol. Biol. 6:305-322.

Blumstein, D.T. 1992. Multivariate analysis of golden marmot maximum running speed:  a new method to study MRS in the field.  Ecology 73:1757-1767.

Blumstein, D.T. 1993. Does behavior contribute to predation risk?  Amer. Zool. 33:107A.

Blumstein, D.T. 1994. Predation hazard assessment and management in golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea). Ph.D. University of California, Davis.

Blumstein, D.T. 1995a. Golden-marmot alarm calls:  I.  The production of situationally specific vocalizations.  Ethology 100:113-125.

Blumstein, D.T. 1995b. Golden-marmot alarm calls:  II.  Asymmetrical production and perception of situationally specific vocalizations?  Ethology 101:25-32.

Blumstein, D.T. 1996. How much does social group size influence golden marmot vigilance?  Behaviour 133:1133-1151.

Blumstein, D.T. 1997. Infanticide among golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea).  Ethol., Ecol. and Evol. 9:169-173.

Blumstein, D.T. in press. Quantifying predation risk for refuging animals:  a case study with golden marmots.  Ethology

Blumstein, D.T., and K.B. Armitage. 1997a. Alarm calling in yellow-bellied marmots:  I.  The meaning of situationally-specific calls.  Anim. Behav. 53:143-171.

Blumstein, D.T., and K.B. Armitage. 1997b. Does sociality drive the evolution of communicative complexity?  A comparative test with ground-dwelling sciurid alarm calls.  Am. Nat. 150:179-200.

Blumstein, D.T., and K.B. Armitage. 1998. Life history consequences of social complexity:  a comparative study of ground-dwelling sciurids.  Behav. Ecol. 9:8-19.

Blumstein, D.T., and W. Arnold. 1995. Situational-specificity in alpine-marmot alarm communication.  Ethology 100:1-13.

Blumstein, D.T., and W. Arnold. in press. Ecology and social behavior of golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea).  J. Mamm.

Blumstein, D.T., and J.C. Daniel. 1997. Inter- and intraspecific variation in the acoustic habitats of three marmot species.  Ethology 103:325-338.

Blumstein, D.T., and J.M. Foggin. 1997. Effects of vegetative variation on weaning success, overwinter survival, and social group density in golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea).  J. Zool. 243:57-69.

Blumstein, D.T., and S.J. Henderson. 1996. Cheek-rubbing in golden marmots (Marmota caudata aurea).  J. Zool., Lond. 238:113-123.

Blumstein, D.T., J. Steinmetz, K.B. Armitage, and J.C. Daniel. 1997. Alarm calling in yellow-bellied marmots:  II.  Kin selection or parental care?  Anim. Behav. 53:173-184.

Bonenfant, M., and D.L. Kramer. 1996. The influence of distance to burrow on flight initiation distance in the woodchuck, Marmota monax.  Behav. Ecol. 7:299-303.

Bopp, P. 1954. Zur topographie der murmeltierterritorien.  Rev. Suisse Zool. 61:374-380.

Bopp, P. 1955. Kolonialterritorien ber murmeltieren.  Rev. Suisse Zool. 62:295-299.

Bopp, P. 1956. Zur topographie eines kolonialterritoriums bei murmeltieren.  Rev. Suisse Zool. 63:255-261.

Brody, A.K., and K.B. Armitage. 1985. The effects of adult removal on dispersal of yearling yellow-bellied marmots.  Can. J. Zool. 63:2560-2564.

Brody, A.K., and J. Melcher. 1985. Infanticide in yellow-bellied marmots.  Anim. Behav. 33:673-674.

Bronson, F.H. 1962. Daily and seasonal activity patterns in woodchucks.  J. Mammal. 43:425-427.

Bronson, F.H. 1963. Some correlates of interaction rates in natural populations of woodchucks.  Ecology 44:637-643.

Bronson, F.H. 1964. Agonistic behaviour in woodchucks.  Anim. Behav. 12:470-478.

Bryant. 1945. Phylogeny of nearctic sciuridae.  Amer. Midl. Nat. 33:257-390.

Bryant, A.A. 1990. Genetic variability and minimum viable populations in the Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis).  M.E. Des. Thesis, Univ. Calgary

Bryant, A.A. 1994. Notes on the Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis). Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Team,

Bryant, A.A. 1996. Reproduction and persistence of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) in natural and logged habitats.  Can. J. Zool. 74:678-687.

Bryant, A.A. 1997. Updated status report on the Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada,

Bryant, A.A., and D.T. Blumstein. 1997. Social complexity of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) in natural sites.  Abstract:  III International Congress on the Genus Marmota

Bryant, A.A., and D.W. Janz. 1996. Distribution and abundance of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis).  Can. J. Zool. 74:667-677.

Bryant, A.A., D.W. Janz, M.C. deLaronde, and D.D. Doyle. 1998. Recent Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) population changes.

Bryant, A.A., and H.M. Schwantje. 1998. Disease and unsuccessful reintroduction of Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis).

Byun, S.A., B.F. Koop, and T.E. Reimchen. 1997. North American black bear mtDNA phylogeography:  implications for morphology and the Haida Gwaii glacial refugium controversy.  Evolution 51:1647-1653.

Carey, H.V. 1985a. Nutritional ecology of yellow-bellied marmots in the White mountains of California.  Holarc. Ecol. 8:259-264.

Carey, H.V. 1985b. The use of foraging areas by yellow-bellied marmots.  Oikos 44:273-279.

Carey, H.V., and P. Moore. 1986. Foraging and predation risk in yellow-bellied marmots.  Amer. Midl. Nat. 116:267-275.

Corbet, G.B. 1978. The mammals of the palaearctic region: a taxonomic review.  Cornell University Press, Ithaca.

Couch, L.K. 1930. Notes on the pallid yellow-bellied marmot.  Murrelet 11:3-7.

Coulon, J., L. Graziani, D. Allainé, M.C. Bel, and S. Pouderoux. 1995. Infanticide in the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota).  Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 7:191-194.

Daniel, J.C., and D.T. Blumstein. MS. A test of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis in marmots.

Davis, D.E. 1958. The annual rhythm of fat deposition in woodchucks (Marmota monax).  Physiol. Zool. 40:391-402.

Davis, D.E. 1967. The role of environmental factors in hibernation of woodchucks (Marmota monax).  Ecology 48:683-689.

Davis, D.E. 1976. Hibernation and circannual rhythms of food consumption in marmots and ground squirrels.  Quart. Rev. Biol. 51:477-514.

Davis, D.E. 1981. Mechanism for decline in a woodchuck population.  J. Wildl. Manage. 45:658-668.

Davis, D.E., J.J. Christian, and F. Bronson. 1964. Effect of exploitation on birth, mortality, and movement rates in a woodchuck population.  J. Wildlife Manage. 28:1-9.

Davis, R.O. 1986. Digital signal processing and the referents of animal acoustical communication. Ph.D. University of California, Davis, Ecology Graduate Group.

Davis, R.O. 1991. Semantical communication in anti-predator alarm calls. 275-312 in C. A. Hall, Jr., V. Doyle-Jones and B. Widawski, eds. Natural history of eastern California and high-altitude research. University of California, White Mountain Research Station, Los Angeles.

Davydov, G.S. 1991. Some characters of two populations of the long-tailed marmot. 188-216 in D. I. Bibikov, A. A. Nikolski, V. J. Rumiantzev and T. A. Seredneva, eds. Population structure of the marmot. USSR Theriological Society, Moscow.

de Vos, A., and D.J. Gillespie. 1960. A study of woodchucks on an Ontario farm.  Can. Field-Natur. 74:130-145.

Del Moral, R. 1984. The impact of the Olympic marmot on subalpine vegetation structure.  Amer. J. Bot. 71:1228-1236.

Downhower, J.F., and K.B. Armitage. 1971. The yellow-bellied marmot and the evolution of polygamy.  Amer. Natur. 105:355-370.

Downhower, J.F., and J.D. Pauley. 1970. Automated recordings of body temperature from free-ranging yellow-bellied marmots.  J. Wildlife Manage. 34:639-641.

Downhower, J.F.a.K.B.A. 1981. Dispersal of yearling yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris).  Anim. Behav. 29:1064-1069.

Dyer, O. 1982. Behaviour of captive Vancouver Island marmot at the Okanagan Game Farm. Ministry of Environment,

Edwards, G.P. 1997. Predicting seasonal diet in the yellow-bellied marmot:  success and failure for the linear programming model.  Oecologia 112:320-330.

Ferron, J. 1996. How do woodchucks (Marmota monax) cope with harsh winter conditions?  J. Mamm. 77:412-416.

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Frase, B.A., and K.B. Armitage. 1984. Foraging patterns of yellow-bellied marmots: role of kinship and individual variability.   Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 16:1-10.

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