Marmot Bibliography from Die Murmeltiere der Welt

This is the bibliography from the just published book "Die Murmeltiere der Welt" by Dimitri I. Bibikow (Scientific editor: K.B. Armitage). The book is Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei Bd. 388, ISBN 3 89432 426 0. The distribution address is: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Vangerowstr. 20, D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany, and their email address is:

An English version of the book is in preparation. Contact the publisher for more information.

Abelentsev, V.A. (1971) Bobac in Ukraine. Fauna i ecologia gryzunov 10: Moscow Univ., Moscow: 217-233.


Andersen, D.C., K.B. Armitage & R.S. Hoffmann (1976) Socioecology of marmots: female reproductive strategies. Ecology 57: 552-560.


Andersen, D.C. & D.W. Johns (1977) Predation by badger on yellow-bellied marmot in Colorado. Southwest. Nat. 22: 283-284.


Armitage, K.B. (1961) Frequency of melanism in the golden-mantled marmot. J. Mamm. 42:100-101.


Armitage, K.B. (1962) Social behaviour of a colony of the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris). Anim. Behav. 10: 319-331.


Armitage, K.B. (1965) Vernal behaviour of the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris). Anim. Behav. 10: 319-331.


Armitage, K.B. (1973) Population changes and social behavior following colonization by the yellow-bellied marmot. J. Mamm. 54: 842-854.


Armitage, K.B. (1974) Male behaviour and territoriality in the yellow-bellied marmot. J. Zool., Lond. 172: 233-265.


Armitage, K.B. (1975) Social behavior and population dynamics of marmots. Oikos 26: 341-354.


Armitage, K.B. (1977) Social variety in the yellow-bellied marmot: a population behaviourial system. Anim. Behav. 25: 585-593.


Armitage, K.B. (1979a) Cannibalism among yellow-bellied marmots. J. Mamm. 60: 205-207.


Armitage, K.B. (1979b) Food selectivity by yellow-bellied marmots. J. Mamm. 60: 626-629.


Armitage, K.B. (1981) Sociality as a life history tactic of ground squirrels. Oecologia 48:36-49.


Armitage, K.B. (1982) Marmots and coyotes: behavior of prey and predator. J. Mamm. 63: 503-505.


Armitage, K.B. (1984) Recruitment in yellow-bellied marmot populations: kinship, philopatry, and individual variability. Pp. 377-403 in: J. O. Murie & G. R. Michener, eds. The Biology of Ground-Dwelling squirrels, Univ. Nebraska Press, Lincoln.


Armitage, K.B. (1986a) Individuality, social behavior, and reproductive success in yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris). Ecology 67: 1186-1193.


Armitage, K.B. (1986b) Marmot polygyny revisited: determinants of male and female reproductive strategies. Pp. 303-331 in D. S. Rubenstein & R. W. Wrangham, eds. Ecological Aspects of Social Evolution. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.


Armitage, K.B. (1987) Do female yellow-bellied marmots adjust the sex ratios of their offspring? Am. Nat. 129: 501-519.


Armitage, K.B. (1988) Resources and social organization of ground-dwelling squirrels. Pp. 131-155 in C. N. Slobodchikoff, ed. The Ecology of Social Behavior. Academic Press, NY.


Armitage, K.B. (1989) The function of kin discrimination. Ethol. Ecol. Evol.



Armitage, K.B. (1991) Social and population dynamics of yellow-bellied marmots: results from long-term research. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 22: 379-407.


Armitage, K.B. (1992) Social organization and fitness strategies of marmots. Proc. First Int. Symp. on Alpine Marmot: 89-94.


Armitage, K.B. & J.F.Downhower (1974) Demography of yellow-bellied marmot populations. Ecology 55: 1233-1245.


Armitage, K.B., J.F.Downhower & G.E.Svendsen (1976) Seasonal changes in weights of marmots. Am. Midl. Nat. 96: 36-51.


Armitage, K.B. & D.W.Johns (1982) Kinship, reproductive strategies and social dynamics of yellow-bellied marmots. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol.11: 55-63.


Armitage, K.B. & C.M. Salsbury (1992) Factors affecting oxygen consumption in wild-caught yellow-bellied marmots. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 103A:729-737.


Arnold, W. (1988) Social thermoregulation during hibernation. J. Comp. Physiol. B 158: 151-156.


Arnold, W. (1990a) The evolution of marmot sociality: I. Why disperse late? Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 27: 229-237.


Arnold, W. (1990b) The evolution of marmot sociality: II. Cost and benefits of joint hibernation. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol.27: 239-246.


Arnold, W. (1992a) Social evolution and obligatory group hibernation in marmots. Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Alpine Marmot: 41-54.


Arnold, W. (1992b) Adaptation to the cold - the physiology of marmot hibernation. Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Alpine Marmot: 31-39.


Arnold, W., G. Heldmaier, S. Ortmann, H. Pohl, T. Ruf & S. Steinlechner (1991) Ambient temperatures in hibernacula and their energetic consequences for Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota). J. Therm. Biol. 16: 223-226.


Bailey, E.D. (1965) The influence of social interaction and season on weight change in woodchucks. J. Mamm. 46: 438-445.


Bailey, E.D. & D.E. Davis (1965) The utilization of body fat during hibernation in woodchucks. Can. J. Zool. 43: 701-707.


Bannikov, A.G. (1954) Mammals of the Mongolian Peoples Republic. Trudy Mongolskoi Komissii. 53 - Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 699 p.


Bannikov, A.G. (1958) Ecological peculiarities and foci of formation of alpine fauna. Problemy Zoogeografii Sushi. Materialy soveschania, Lvov: 5-8.


Barash, D.P. (1973a) The social biology of the Olympic marmot. Anim. Behav. Monogr. 6: 171-249.


Barash, D.P. (1973b) Social variety in the yellow-bellied marmot, Marmota flaviventris. Anim. Behav. 21: 579-584.


Barash, D.P. (1973c). Latitudinal replacement in habitat utilization of mountain mammals. J. Mamm. 54: 535-536.


Barash, D.P. (1974a) The evolution of marmot societies: A general theory. Science 185: 415-420.


Barash, D.P. (1974b) The social behaviour of the hoary marmot, Marmota caligata. Anim. Behav. 22: 257-262.


Barash, D.P. (1974c) Mother-infant relations in captive woodchucks (Marmota monax). Anim. Behav. 22:446-448.


Barash, D.P. (1976) Pre-hibernation behavior of free-living hoary marmots, Marmota caligata. J. Mamm. 57: 182-185.


Barash, D.P. (1989) Marmots social behavior and ecology. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford. 360 p.


Bassano, B., P. Durio, C. Facello, E. Macchi, R. Piazza & C. Trinchero (1992) Preliminary analysis of the temporale and spectral acoustic parameters of Marmota marmota sound emissions. Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Alpine Marmot: 69-83.


Beltz, A. & E.S. Booth (1952) Notes on burrowing and food habits of the Olympic marmot. J. Mamm. 33: 495-496.


Berendyaev, S.A. (1963) Natural foci of plague in Central Tien Shan and the problem of its sanitation. Refer. cand. diss., Frunze: 19 p.


Berendyaev, S.A. & N.A. Kulikova (1965) About interspecies relations in gray marmots. Zool. Journ. 44: 110-115.


Berendyaeva, E.L & N.A. Kulikova (1961) Ecology of gray marmot fleas. Trudy SredneAsiatsk. Protivochumn. Instit. 7: 273-283.


Berendyaeva, E.L., D.I. Bibikov, L.P. Rapoport and oth. (1966) Experience of investigation of interspecies contacts in gray marmots using radio marking. Zool. Journ. 45: 430-435.


Bibikov, D.I. (1957) The accumulation and expenditure of fat by tarbagans. Izvestia Irkutsk. Protivochumn. Inst. 16: 32-38.


Bibikov, D.I. (1961) The influence of snow cover on the life of marmots . Trudy Sredne-Asiatsk. Protivochumn. Inst. 7: 205-219.


Bibikov, D.I. (1962) Marmot movements. In: Animal migrations. Academy of sciences, Moscow: 62-86.


Bibikov, D.I. (1967) Mountain marmots of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan. Nauka, Moscow: 198 p.


Bibikov, D.I. (1968) Die Murmeltiere. Ziemzeu-Verlag. Wittenberg Luterstadt: 168.


Bibikov, D.I. (1980) Geograpical peculiarity and ecology. In: Marmots. Biocenotic and practical significance. Nauka, Moscow: 255 p.


Bibikov, D.I. (1989) The marmots. Agropromisdat, M. 255 pp.


Bibikov, D.I. (1991) The steppe marmot and its future. Oryx, 25: 45-49.


Bibikov, D.I. (1992) Marmots are zoonosis provoking carriers. Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Alpine marmot: 25-29.


Bibikov, D.I., S.A. Berendyaev, L.A. Pejsakhis et al. (1973) Natural foci of marmot plague in the USSR. Medicina, Moscow: 192.


Bibikov, D.I., V.P. Chervyakova & V.D. Chervyakov (1961) Observation of movements of marked gray marmots in Tien-Shan. Trudy Sredne-Asiatskogo protivochumnogo inst, Alma-Ata: 221-232.


Bibikov, D.I. & D.Mjagmargav (1983) The experience of mapping and counting of marmot numbers in Mongolia. Materialy vsesouznogo soveschania "Okhrana, ratsionalnoe ispolzovanie and ecologia surkov". Vsesouznoe Theriol. obschestvo, Moscow: 22-26.


Bibikov, D.I. & V.J. Rumiantsev (1993) Some adaptations of marmots as a result of historical modifications of their habitat conditions. Mezhdunarodnoe soveschanie po surkam SNG. Gaidary. Theriol. obschestvo. Ross. Akad. nauk, Moscow:44-45.


Bibikov, D.I. & I.I. Stogov (1957) Ecological lawfulness of stationary distribution of gray marmots. (M. baibacina Kastsch.) in Tien-Shan. Bull. MOIP. otd. biol. 62: 13-18.


Bibikov, D.I., N.N. Trukhachev & K.I. Isakulov (1963) Observation of gray marmot hibernation under experimental conditions. Izvestia Irkutskogo protivochumnogo inst. 25: 223-231.


Bibikov, D.I. & N.M. Zhirnova (1956) About behavior of marmots after a fight with them. Trudy Sredne-Asiatskogo Protivochumnogo Inst. 3: 81-85.


Bibikov, D.I. & N.M. Zhirnova (1957) Seasonal changes of ecological- physiological peculiarities in gray marmots. Zool. Journ. 35:1565-1574.


Bibikov, D.I., L.I. Zhirnov & V.P. Kulikova (1956) Seasonal changes in surface activity and interpopulation contacts in gray marmots in Tien-Shan. Trudy Sredne-Asiatskogo protivochumnogo inst. 3: 63-74.


Bliznetsov, I.J. (1966) Some eco-physiological peculiarities of hibernating gray marmots and yellow ground squirrels. Ref. Cand. biol. Frunze: 19 p.


Bobrinskii, N.A. (1937) Review of Eurasian marmots (Marmota). Akad. Nauk USSR, Moscow-Leningrad: 51-68.


Bopp, P. (1954) Zur Topographie der Murmeltierterritorien. Rev. Suisse Zool. 61: 374-380.


Brody, A.K. & J.C. Melcher (1984) Infanticide in yellow-bellied marmots. Anim. Behav. 33: 673-674.


Bronson, F.H. (1962) Daily and seasonal activity patterns in woodchucks. J. Mamm. 43: 425-426.


Bronson, F.H. (1963) Some correlates of interaction rate in natural populations of woodchucks. Ecology 44: 637-643.


Bronson, F.H. (1964) Agonistic behaviour in woodchucks. Anim. Behav. 12: 470- 478.


Bryant, A.A. (1994) Notes on the Vancouver Island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis). Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Project Review Paper No. 3. 25 p. (Unpublished).


Cahalane, V.N. (1947) Mammals of North America. Macmilan Co., New York: 682 p.


Cao, X & D. Zha (1982) Assimilation test of the movement of M. baibacina. Zool. Research 3: 225-233.


Carey, H.V. (1985) The use of foraging areas by yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris). Oikos 44: 273-272.


Carey, H.V. & P. Moore (1986) Foraging and predation risk in yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris). Am. Midl. Nat. 116: 267-275.


Chekalin V.B. (1965) Ecology of gray marmot (M. baibacina) and sanition of plague natural foci in North-East part of Central Tien-Shan. Ref. cand. diss., Alma-Ata: 19.


Cherkasov, A.A. (1990) Notes of an East Siberian hunter. Fizkultura i sport, Moscow: 574.


Chervyakova, V.P. (1963) About surface activity of gray marmots. Mater. Nauchn. Conf. on natural foci of plague, Alma-Ata: 246-247.


Chervyakova, V.P. (1968) Interspecies variability and structure of gray marmots' population. Ref.diss. Alma-Ata: 21.


Chervyakova, V.P. (1980) Interspecies variability of marmots. In: Marmots. Biocenotic and practical significance. R.P. Zimina (Ed.). Nauka, Moscow: 165-170.


Chervyakova, V.P. & D.I. Bibikov (1971) Productivity of gray marmots in connection with population number. Mater. 7 nauchn. conf. protivochumn. uchrezhd. Kazakhstana i Sredn. Asii, Alma-Ata: 356-358.


Christian, J.J. (1962) Seasonal changes in the adrenal glands of woodchucks (Marmota monax). Endocrinology 71: 431-447.


Couturier, M.A. (1955) Acclimatation et acclimatement de la Marmotte des Alps, Marmota m. marmota (Linne 1758) dans les Pyrenees francaises. S?augetierkdl. Mitteilungen 3: 105-108.


Couturier, M.A. (1964) La Marmotte des Alps. In: Le Gibier des montagnes francaise. Arthaud Ed.: 137-165.


Davidov, G.S., I.M. Neranov, G.P. Usachev et al. (1978) The red marmot. Pp. 117-125 in: R.P.Zimina (Ed.), Marmots: Their Distribution and Ecology. Nauka, Moscow.


Davis, D. (1962) The potential harvest of woodchucks. J. Wildl. Manage. 26: 144-149.


Davis, D. (1964) Evaluation of characters for determining age of woodchucks. J. Wildl. Manage. 28: 9-15.


Davis, D. (1967a) The annual rhythm of fat deposition in woodchucks (Marmota monax). Physiol. Zool. 40: 391-402.


Davis, D. (1967b) The role of environmental factors in hibernation of woodchucks (Marmota monax). Ecology 48: 683-689.


Davis, D. (1976) Hibernation and circannual rhythms of food consumption in marmots and ground squirrels. Quart. Rev. Biol. 51:477-514.


Davis, D. & J. Ludwig (1981) Mechanism for decline in a woodchuck population. J. Wildl. Manage. 45: 658-668.


Davis, D.E., J.J. Christian & F. Bronson (1964) Effect of exploitation on birth, mortality, and movement rates in a woodchuck population. J. Wildl. Manage. 28:1-9.


de Vos, A & D.I. Gillespie (1960) A study of woodchucks on an Ontario farm. Can. Field-Nat. 74: 140-145.


Dinesman, L.G. (1961) Experience of researching fossil animal settlements on the clarification of paleogeographic forests. Sool. Labor. of Forest Investigation, Akad. Sci. USSR. 3: 89-99.


Dinesman, L.G. (1977) Steppe biocenosis in the Holocene epoch. Nauka, Moscow: 1961.


Dinesman, L.G., N.K. Kiseleva & A.V. Khjasev (1989) The history of steppe ecosystems. Mongolian People's Republic. Nauka, Moscow: 214 p.


Downhower, J.F. & K.B. Armitage (1971) The yellow-bellied marmot and the evolution of polygamy. Am. Nat. 105: 355-370.


Downhower, J.F. & K.B. Armitage (1981) Dispersal of yearling yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris). Anim. Behav. 29: 1064-1069.


Dubinin, V.B. & L.I. Leshkovich (1945) Fat reserves of tarbagans and invasion by ascarids before hibernation. Zool. Journ. 24: 373-379.


Dubrovskii, I.A. (1962) The size of marmot mounds as an index of the age of their settlements. Issled. Geography of plant and animal stocks. Akad. Sci., Moscow: 80-94.


Dunbar R. (1983) Life history tactics and alternative strategies of reproduction. Pp. 423-433 in P. Bateson, ed.,Mate Choice, Cambridge Univ. Press. NY.


Ellermann J. & T. Morrison-Scott (1966) Check-list of Palearctic and Indian mammals. 1758-1946. British Museum, London.


Eversham, E. (1850) Natural History of the Orenburg Region. Mammals. Kazan 2: 294.


Fall, M.W. (1971) Seasonal variations in the food consumption of woodchucks (Marmota monax). J. Mamm. 52: 370-375.


Ferri, M., G. Pigozzi, L. Sala, C. Sola, A. Spampanato, J. Tarantino, P. Tongiorgi & L. Tosi (1988) Primi risultati di una ricerca sulla populazione di Marmota marmota del crinale appenninico tosco-emiliano. Atti "I Conv. Naz. Biologi della Selv. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selv." 14: 339-349.


Filonov, K.P. (1961) Data on the ecology of black-capped marmots in Berguzin Zapovednik. Trudy Berguzinskogo Zapovednika 3: 169-180.


Formosov, A.N. (1929) Mammals of North Mongolia. Predvar. Otchet Zool. Ekspedicii v severnuiu Mongoliju za 1926. Akad. Nauk, Leningrad: 144 p.


Frase, B.A. & K.B. Armitage (1989) Yellow-bellied marmots are generalist herbivores. Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 1:353-366.


Frase, B.A. & R.S. Hoffmann (1980) Marmota flaviventris. Mammalian Species 135: 1-8. Am. Soc. Mammalogists.


French, G.R. (1990) Age-class differences in the pattern of hibernation in yellow-bellied marmots, Marmota flaviventris. Oecologia 82:93-96.


Garcia-Gonzalez, R., J.Canut, D.Garcia, J. Herrero, R. Hidalgo, G. Jordan, V. Navazo, J. Ruiz-Olmo & J. Marco (1985) Primeras notas sobre la distribuci?on de la marmota (M. marmota L., 1748) en la Peninsula Iberica. Pirineos 125: 113-115.


Garrott, R.A. & D.A. Jenni (1978) Arboreal behavior of yellow-bellied marmots. J. Mamm. 59: 433-434.


Grizzell, R.A. (1955) A study of the southern woodchuck, Marmota monax monax. Amer. Midl. Nat. 53: 257-293.


Gromov, I.M., D.I. Bibikov, N.I. Kalabukhov & M.N. Meyer (1965) Fauna of the USSR. Vol. 3, no. 2. Marmotinae, Nauka, Moscow-Leningrad. 466 pp.


Grosset, G.E., L.G. Dinesman & V.I.Zalkin (1965) The ancient distribution of the steppe marmot. Bull. Mosk. Obsch. Isp. Prirody 70,2: 34-47.


Gumilev, L.N. (1966) The source of rhythm of wander culture. Narody Asii i Afriki. 4: 85-94.


Hafner, D.J. (1984) Evolutionary relationships of the Nearctic Sciuridae. pp. 3-23 in J. O. Murie & G. R. Michener, eds. The Biology of Ground-Dwelling Squirrels, Univ. Nebraska Press, Lincoln.


Hamilton, W.J. (1934) The life history of the rufescent woodchuck. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 23: 87-118.


Hayes, S.R. (1976) Daily activity and body temperature of the southern woodchuck, Marmota monax monax in northwestern Arkansas. J. Mamm. 57: 291-299.


Heredia, R. & J. Herrero (1992) Bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) and Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) interactions in southern Pyrenees. Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Alpine Marmot: 227-229.


Herrero, J., R. Hidalgo & R. Garcia-Gonzales (1988) Colonization process of the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota) in Spanish Western Pyrenees. Pirineos 130: 87-94.


Hoffmann, R.S. (1968) Russian Science: a personal view. Science Year 1968: 228- 239.


Hoffmann, R.S. & C.F. Nadler (1968) Chromosomes and systematics of some North American species of the genus Marmota (Rodentia, Sciuridae). Experientia 24:740-742.


Hoffmann, R.S., J.W. Koeppl & C.F. Nadler (1979) The relationships of the amphiberingian marmots (Mammalia: Sciuridae). Occas. Pap. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas 83: 1-56.


Horning, B. (1969) Parasitologische Undersuchungen an Alpenmurmeltieren (M. marmota) der Schweiz. I.b. Naturhistori. Mus., Bern, 1966-1968: 137-200.


Holmes, W.G. (1984a) Predation risk and foraging behavior of the hoary marmot in Alaska. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 15: 293-301.


Holmes, W.G. (1984b) The ecological basis of monogamy in Alaskan hoary marmots. Pp. 250-274 in J.O. Murie & G.R. Michener, eds., The Biology of Ground- Dwelling Squirrels, Univ. Nebraska Press, Lincoln.


Howell, A.H. (1915) Revision of the American Marmots. N. Amer. Fauna 37: 1-80.


Hoyt, S. & S. Hoyt (1950) Gestation period of the woodchuck, Marmota monax. J. Mamm. 31: 454.


Huang, X., Z. Wang, I. Wu et al. (1986) The breeding biological characteristics of Marmota himalayana in Reshuitan Wulan-naotan. Chaiyan County Qinghai prov. Acta Theriol. Sinica 6: 307-311.


Huber, W. (1965) Das Alpinmurmeltier. Fishers Tiermograph. 3. Munsingen. Bern: 33 p.


Imshenezkii, S.B. (1972) Altaian marmot in Dagestan. Dagestan. Publ. House, Makhach-Kala: 124.


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Ismagilov, M.I. (1956) Data on the ecology of the Tien-Shan marmot (M. bobac centralis). Zool. Journ. 35:6.


Ismagilov, M.I. (1976) Specific ecology of steppe marmot under arid living conditions. "Biolog. nauki" 3. Alma-Ata: 59-73.


Jamieson, S.H. & K.B. Armitage (1987) Sex differences in the play behavior of yearling yellow-bellied marmots. Ethology 74: 237-253.


Johns, D.W. & K.B. Armitage (1979) Behavioral ecology of alpine yellow-bellied marmots. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 5: 133-157.


Junatov, A.A. (1950) Main features of flora of Mongolian Peoples Republic. Trudy Mong. comissii, Moscow-Leningrad. Akad. nauk USSR. 39: 223.


Kalabukhov, N.I. (1985) Hibernation of Mammals. Nauka, Moscow: 260 p.


Kapitonov, V.I. (1960). Outline of the biology of the black-capped marmot (M. camtschatica Pall.). Zool. Jour. 39: 448-457.


Kapitonov, V.I. (1964) Molting of marmots. Trudy Inst. Zoologii Kazakh. Akad. Nauk. 23: 169-190.


Kapitonov, V.I. (1966) Distribution of marmots in Central Kazakhstan and perspectives of their procurement. Trudy Inst. Zoologii Kazakh. Akad. Nauk, Alma-Ata: 94-134.


Kapitonov, V.I. (1969a) Gray or Altaian - Tien-Shanian marmot (M. baibacina). Menzbier marmot (M. menzbieri). Long-tailed or red marmot (M. caudata). Mlekopitayuschie Kazakhstana. I. Grizuny. Nauka, Alma-Ata: 267-422.


Kapitonov, V.I. (1969b) Behavioral observation of bobac. Sbornik nauchn. tekhnich. inf. "Okhota, Pushnina, Dich", Kirov 26: 23-29.


Kapitonov, V.I. (1976) Adaptative features of marmot locomotion. Chteniya pamjati akad. E.N.Pavlovskogo. Nauka, Alma-Ata: 3-24.


Kapitonov, V.I. (1978) Black capped marmot. Menzbier's marmot. Pp. 178-209 and 126-157 in R.P. Zimina, ed., Marmots. Biocenotic and practical significance. Nauka, Moscow.


Kapitonov, V.I. & I.S. Lobachev (1964) Ecological observations on Marmota menzbieri Kaschk. in Karzhantau mountains (West Tien-Shan). Zool.Jour. 43: 1211-1220.


Kilgore, D.L. Jr. & K.B. Armitage (1978) Energetics of yellow-bellied marmot populations. Ecology 59:78-88.


Kirikov, S.V. (1959) Changes of animal communities in natural zones of the USSR. Stepnaya zona i lesosteppi. Akad. Nauk. USSR, Moscow: 53-65.


Kirikov, S.V. (1980) Historical changes in bobac distribution in XVII-XIX Centuries and the first part of XX. Pp. 20-31 in R.P. Zimina, ed., Marmots. Biocenotic and practical significance. Nauka, Moscow.


Kizilov, V.A. & S.A. Berendyaev (1978) Red marmot. Pp, 52-54 in R.P Zimina, ed. Surki Nauka, Moscow.


Kizilov, V.A. & S.A. Berendyaev (1983) Families of red marmots. Ochrana, racionalnoe Ispolzovanie i ecologia surkov. Vses. Theriol. obschestvo. Nauka, Moscow: 52-54.


Kizilov, V.A. & N.I. Semenova (1963) Inter- and intraspecies relations in rodents of Pamir-Alatai. Mater. nauchn. conf. po prirodn ochagovosti i profilaktike chumy. Alma-Ata: 101-102.


Koenig, L. (1957) Beobachtungen uber Reviermarkierung Sowie Droh-Kampf-und Abwerhalten des Murmeltieres (Marmota marmota). Zeit. Tierpsychol. 14: 510-521.


Koford, C.B. (1958) Prairie dogs, whitefaces and blue grama. Wildl. Monogr. 3: 1-78.


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